Academic Esports
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About Academic Esports
The Mission of Academic Esports: TSU Academic eSports Initiatives and eSports Teams are established and designed to promote pathways into STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math), as well as offer eSports Team Opportunities to create, code, and compete from PreK, collegiate teams, to lifelong learners. eSports encompasses all disciplines from education, business, computer science, engineering, psychology, communication, health sciences, agriculture and natural life sciences, liberal arts, and the fine arts of music, arts, and theater.
Fall 2021 eSports Courses: (online virtual play and learning) No prerequisite
- Undergraduate Course: TELC 4005- Teaching and Learning with Technology
eSports (UG) Tch and Learning with Tech - ESPORTS 82004 - TELC 4005 - 98A (ESPORTS) - Graduate (Masters): TELC 5005 – Teaching and Learning with Technology
eSports Tch and Learning with Tech - ESPORTS 81995 - TELC 5005 - 98B (ESPORTS) - Graduate (Doctoral): EDAD 6100. Computer Application (Emphasis eSports)
Computer Application ESPORTS - 81984 - EDAD 6100 - 98 (ESPORTS)
TSU eSports Arena: Main Campus - Humphries Building (opening Fall 2021)
TSU eSports Teams
Current Teams
- Call of Duty
- Fortnite
- NBA 2K
- Madden
Upcoming Teams
- Pokemon
- Rocket League
- Track and Field
- Valorant
- PGA Golf
- iRacing